Note: Registrations are Closed in All Age Groups.
Follow All These Steps to Join our Club:
We recommend you use a PC to access the Registration Portal (step 4) and fill in the forms (step 5) below.
Little Athletics Centres rely on parent/family participation to conduct their programs.
By registering your child at St George Little Athletics, you make the following commitments:
At least one adult in your family will:
(i) remain at Olds Park for the duration of your child’s participation at each competition evening, and
(ii) Sign-up for & fill an advertised duty on a competition evening (eg. assist at a Field or Track event, serve in the canteen, etc) on at least 8 occasions across the season (we may reduce this number if the season is materially shortened eg. due to adverse weather).
NOTE: Registration is not complete until you have completed steps 4 and 5 below.
2) Before proceeding – please ensure you have read the 2024-25 FAQs !
3) Acquire your Active Kids Voucher(s) before you register online
Each voucher (one per athlete) will reduce your registration fees by $50. Registration fees are set out in the FAQs.
[To be eligible for an Active Kids voucher, a child must be: a NSW resident, over 4.5 years of age (on the day you apply for the voucher) and appear on a current Medicare card. For more info: Active Kids Info ]
4) Access the On-line Registration Portal
Note: A new Registration Platform (“RevSport”) is being introduced for the 2024/25 season, and this necessitates some new processes.
Proof of Age is required for all athletes who were not members with STGLAC in the 2023/24 season. Please upload a copy of a proof of age document (eg. birth certificate, passport etc) for your child during On-Line Registration when requested.
Click the link below to connect to the registration portal and register one or more athletes. [Note: You must only register children for whom you are the parent/legal guardian, and the contact information you provide must be yours.] The portal requires you make payment online – be sure to have your credit/debit card available, as well as the details of any Active Kids Voucher you will use.
Please use the same Email address (for a given parent/guardian) across all of our systems – Registration, Team App, SignUp.
Please read carefully all on-screen messages & instructions.
*** After completing On-Line Registration, proceed to the following steps. We can’t complete your registration until step 5 is done.
5) Fill in these 2 short On-line Forms
Note: These forms must be filled out even if you have filled them out in a previous season.
The following forms are mandatory. Fill them out (online) as soon as you have completed the above on-line registration. Be sure to click “Submit” at the end of each form! You won’t be able to pick up your registration pack or participate at Athletics until both forms have been completed and submitted (online). Click on the links to access the forms:
Parent Duty Commitment – The person who identified themselves as the “Primary Contact” in the registration form should fill this out on behalf of their family.
WWC Declaration – All adults who may assist in any capacity at our athletics meets (even if they are a parent, grandparent, aunt, etc of an athlete at the Centre) needs to fill out this form, with their details (ie. their Name & their Email address, etc). Note: This form is short and easy to complete. Parents & close relatives of registered kids do NOT require a WWC number.
6) Communication Tools
If you are new to St George Little Athletics, AFTER completing step 5, download “Stack Team App” [you may already have it for another sport] from your phone’s App Store.
Create an account in your name [please use the same name & Email Address you provided for yourself when registering]. For full instructions, see: Team App Brochure. Both parents are encouraged to sign-up to Team App.
Also – be sure to “Like us” on Facebook (you can find us on Facebook by clicking the blue“f” logo on this page).
7) Acquire a Uniform
Uniforms are mandatory and will be available for purchase (card purchases preferred) from the supplier at Olds Park on the days/times listed below. This is the best option to acquire a uniform as you can try out sizing, but if you cannot attend any of those slots, there is an on-line ordering option – See Uniforms for more information. [Note: any uniform item purchased during the 2021-22 season or earlier can no longer be worn – you will need to purchase the new uniform introduced in the 2022-23 season.]
8) Visit Olds Park on one of our Uniform Purchase / Registration Pack Collection Days to:
- Select & pay for a Uniform
- Collect your Registration Pack (only if steps 4 and 5 complete!)
Registrations packs contain ‘patches’ which must be affixed to the athlete’s uniform as explained on the Uniforms page.
Uniform Purchase sessions & Registration Pack Pickup sessions are:
5:00 – 7:00pm on:
Friday 23 Aug 2024
Friday 30 Aug 2024
Registration Pack pickup ONLY will be available on these additional dates / times. These dates may suit athletes who are returning and do not need to purchase a uniform item in person:
5:30 – 6:30pm on:
Friday 16 Aug 2024
Friday 6 Sept 2024
Note: We will confirm the above dates via Email and /or Team App closer to time.
Registration Packs will only be provided if: 
1)…you have completed Steps 4 and 5, AND
2)…For children registering with St George for the first time, you uploaded proof of the child’s age (eg. Birth Certificate) during on-line registration, or you present a document, or good photo of it to us.
Note: If you have not collected your Registration Pack by the last of our Registration Pack collection days (see above), please email to make other arrangements. Children cannot participate without the patches from their registration pack affixed to their uniform (or clothing if uniform not yet received).
9) Familiarise yourself with the process of contributing as a Parent Helper (see point 1 above)
Visit the Parent Helpers page to see the sorts of jobs available and how you go about contributing. FYI – we need ~100 parent helpers (in addition to the appointed Age Managers) to conduct each Friday competition.
Little Athletics / Senior Athletics
As a consequence of the partnership between LANSW and ANSW announced on 27 March 2024, members of Little Athletics Centres & members of ANSW Clubs now have access to the same, integrated athletics carnival program. Consequently, the previous requirement for Little Athletics members to join a senior (ANSW) club in order to participate in what were previously recognised as ‘ANSW Carnivals’, no longer exists.