

Click on the heading below to access the required form:

WWC Declaration

The parent(s) [and/or other adult family member(s)] who will be bringing children to Little Athletics and assisting at our meets must provide a completed WWC Declaration form(s) before they can assist at Little Athletics.   Provision of this form is also a pre-requisite for child(ren) to complete the registration process, collect their registration pack and to participate at St George.

If you are a “Close Relative” (Parent /Legal Guardian, Grandparent, Sibling, Aunt, Uncle, Nephew or Niece) of a child registered at St George Little Athletics, the form is simple and straightforward.   If you are not a ‘close relative’, the form will require you to provide a ‘WWC Number’.  [WWC Numbers can be obtained from:    Service NSW WWC Check ]


Parent Duty Commitment

This form needs to be filled out (by either parent) once on behalf of the family.   Please read it carefully.   It records commitments you are making to assist the delivery of the Little Athletics program at St George.  Completing this form is mandatory & a pre-requisite for your child(ren) to complete the registration process, collect their registration pack and to participate at St George.


Incident Report

Use this form to report an “Incident” at a St George Little Athletics event (eg. Friday ‘meet’ or Training session) which you believe the Committee needs to know about.


Application for Participation Credit

To satisfy the “Friday Night Participation Criterion”, an athlete, upon completion of the season, must have attempted at least 50% of the Events offered to his/her Age Group across the season, and at least 33% of the Events offered in the post-Christmas part of the season.  [Note that we may elect to exclude certain Fridays from this and/or other award calculations for all or some Age Groups, and we may in some circumstances accept an athlete assisting at meets as a contribution to ‘participation’.]

From time to time, athletes will want to attend athletics carnivals or other athletics-specific events held in locations and/or at times which would prevent the athlete from participating in our weekly Friday competition program. In certain cases, we will credit the athlete’s STGLAC participation measure so that attendance at the carnival does not prejudice their club participation measure.  Use this form to request such a credit.

See the By-Laws for more information.