
Child Safety

Child Safe – Code of Conduct

Our Child Safe Code of Conduct is set out in the following document:  CHILD SAFE – Code of Conduct

Person appointed to the positions of Age Managers or Deputy Age Managers and all Committee members are required to formally confirm that they have read the Code and agree to abide by it.


Child Safety Statement of Commitment (Summary)

St George Little Athletics Centre (STGLAC) supports the New South Wales Child Safe Standards to create a culture of child safety, to put the interests of children first and to keep children safe from harm.

STGLAC values the healthy development of children, as reflected in our Mission statement, and is committed to ensuring the safety, wellbeing, and empowerment of all STGLAC child members and child spectators. We strive to always act in the best interests of children and encourage children to voice their concerns if something is bothering them.

STGLAC values and supports diversity and inclusion and is committed to promoting cultural safety for Indigenous children and children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as well as providing a safe environment for children with a disability.

STGLAC is committed to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation. We have zero tolerance for child abuse and have systems in place to protect children from abuse.

All Committee Members, Age Managers, Age Manager Assistants, parents and all other volunteers are expected to support the aims of this Statement of Commitment.

Key Child Safe Practices

1. We have designated 2 Committee Members as Child Safety Officers. They are available to answer any questions concerning Child Safety at St George Little Athletics Centre.

2. Each Age Group is placed under the leadership of an Age Manager for the duration of each Friday evening competition. Parents are required to “sign-in” and “sign-out” their child with the Age Manager, and to remain at the ground for so long as their children are participating in the competition.

3. Children are required to remain with their Age Group for the duration of the Friday competition unless collected by a parent or granted permission by the Age Manager to leave the Group. Parents may remove their child from the group at any time but must inform the Age Manager before doing so.

4. Should any child become separated from their group – s/he should go to the shed / enquiry desk (where a ‘lost child announcement’ will be made) rather than go searching for a parent.

5. We adopt practices consistent with Working with Children legislation and require all persons who may assist at Little Athletics to complete a declaration (available here:  Forms )  to identify whether they require a WWC Number.  [Consistent with the legislation, ‘close relatives’ of children participating generally do not require a WWC number.]

6. We support and promote the Behavioural Guidelines and Codes of Conduct as published by LANSW.

7. We are registered with, and comply with the requirements of, the Office of the Children’s Guardian.

8. Child Safety is a standing Agenda Item at all meetings of the Committee.