The primary role of the Secretary is assist the Centre to fulfil its obligations in accordance with the Act and the Centre’s Constitution. Specific duties include:
- Take detailed minutes of the business from all Committee and General meetings.
- Compile and distribute agendas for meetings.
- Forward notices of Committee meetings at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.
- Maintain records of all material that may assist the organisation and delivery of the Little Athletics program.
- Act as the “Public Officer” of the Centre as that term is used in the Act.
- Guide the Committee in the performance of its duties to conform with the requirements of the Act and the Centre’s Constitution.
- Prepare & issue invitations and other papers to members in connection with the Annual General Meeting (and any other General Meeting) of the Centre.
- Lodge key documents annually, as required, with LANSW concerning affiliation and Fair Trading concerning the association’s registration.
- Submit a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Centre.
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