
Role of Secretary


The primary role of the Secretary is assist the Centre to fulfil its obligations in accordance with the Act and the Centre’s Constitution.   Specific duties include:

  1. Take detailed minutes of the business from all Committee and General meetings.
  2. Compile and distribute agendas for meetings.
  3. Forward notices of Committee meetings at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.
  4. Maintain records of all material that may assist the organisation and delivery of the Little Athletics program.
  5. Act as the “Public Officer” of the Centre as that term is used in the Act.
  6. Guide the Committee in the performance of its duties to conform with the requirements of the Act and the Centre’s Constitution.
  7. Prepare & issue invitations and other papers to members in connection with the Annual General Meeting (and any other General Meeting) of the Centre.
  8. Lodge key documents annually, as required, with LANSW concerning affiliation and Fair Trading concerning the association’s registration.
  9. Submit a report to the Annual General Meeting of the Centre.

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